Wednesday, July 24, 2024

DJ Reviews: Misfit by Souljunkie

Hey there folks its your old friend DJ Dizzy here & I've got a whole new review of a song by Souljunkie called 'Misfit'

The Artist:

Souljunkie is an artist who's also an aspiring song writter & he proves that he has alot of potential as both a songwriter & a musician in which he shows in his music especially in this one song in particular in which I'll be reviewing so buckle up because it's going to be a really wild ride.

The song:

The song has a sort of surf/alt rock vibe in the instrumental & it also shows in some of the guiatar solos, The vocals also have a distinctive sound to them as in mellowed out & laid back ehich really gives the song a good feel matter of fact everything but overall the song has sort of laid back chill surf alt rock type vibe to it which proves to be really enjoyable.

The song tells about innocent youth & growing up & how we all manage to make a connection with someone & their mistakes so much so that they're deemed a misfit which is what I gathered from the song & how using your mistakes to shape you into a better or a decent person & I think we're all considered a misfit to someone in some cases which is something that's deeply relatable.

In conclusion:

This song has a really interesting message to it about how we all can let our mistakes shape us & also how we can come across to folks but the overall surf rock vibe of the song really caught my ear & I found it enjoyable & I'm sure some of you will too. I give this song a 10/

To find out more bout Souljunkie you can check out his Youtube channel & listen to the song via the links below & until then I'll catch you on The Flipside. Stay frosty & rock n roll!

Souljunkie - YouTube

Misfit (

Thursday, July 18, 2024

DJ Interviews: GKat of Weapons of Self Destruction

 Here's my interview with GKat of the band Weapons Of D Self estruction

How'd you get started in music?


I started playing around 10 or so.  Guitar lessons, then garage bands, and just playing with friends.  Took some long absences from playing but always came back to it.  Really got the passion back a few years ago (covid lockdowns) and started recording some riffs I made throughout the years.  And I dove into that rabbit hole hard and haven’t looked back.  It’s so much fun and always something new to learn.


Who are your inspirations or influences?


So many, I’ll give it a shot.  Pete Townshend, Angus Young, Peter Buck, Paul Westerberg, Ace Frehley, Trent Reznor, Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, and I know there’s more but those are the ones who jump out.


What advice would you offer aspiring performers?


Write, write, write, and write.  Leave some blood on the page.  Write then edit.  There’s always time for edits but get what jumps out of you down first. 

Learn marketing.  There’s nothing worse than pouring your heart into a song and looking on Spotify for Artists and see “0 people listening”.  Plan your releases with marketing in mind.

Then have patience.  And your friends and family won’t care about your stuff like you’d think and hope they would.  It’s just reality.  Have patience and don’t quit. 


How do you set yourself apart from other bands or singers?


Never really thought about it.  I guess I’d say I just write in the moment, whatever is bugging me or something I’m passionate about goes down on paper.  I don’t really think about, “what will they say about this line or that line”.  It’s really a form of therapy for me.


Any new gigs or albums in the future?


No gigs, sadly, but I’ve got one song almost ready to go to mixing/mastering, “All the Rage” and 3-4 others to follow soon after.  Will start releasing the songs individually early August. 

Special thanks to him for this interview & to learn more about GKat & his band  visit their Youtube page via the link below.  until then I'll catch you on The Flipside! Stay awesome & rock n roll

weapons of self destruction - YouTube

Friday, July 12, 2024

DJ Reviews: Pretty/Scary by Fridays In California

Hey there one & all its your old friend DJ Dizzy here & I had the pleasure of reviewing the song Pretty/Scary by the band Fridays In Califronia 

The Band,

Fridays In California are an indie rock band who are based in California who formed back in 2019 & their different musical styles blend together after they realized their chemeistry together & they show that in their latest song Pretty/Scary in which I'll be reviewing right now.

The Song,

This song shows it has a garage rock kind of sound to it in addition to some grunge & hard rock undertones mixed in & the lead singer's vocals really coincide well along wit the other musicians involved & I could really sense the chemistry between them in their plsying. 

The song tells an interesting story of how the lead singer's girl can be seen a little but scary because of her ways or whatever mood she might be in depending on how you see it it still tells an interesting story from the lead singer's POV & the musicians really compliment each other in their playing the way everything came together really brought the story to life in a really quirky way which is something that I think you'll enjoy listening to as much as I did.

In conclusion,

Fridays In California has awesome chemistry not just as a band but as musician altogether & the song /vocals really show it & the song itself was on an enjoyable level so for both their chemistry & quirliness I give them a 10. You can find more of their music via their Youtube link below & you can listen to their song 'Pretty/Scary' via the link below & until then I'll catch you on The Flipside! Stay awesome & rock n roll!

Friday In California - Pretty / Scary - YouTube

Friday In California - Pretty / Scary (

Thursday, July 11, 2024

DJ Interviews Sensitive Souls

 Here's my interview with rock band Sensitive Souls

How'd you get started in music?
Started playing guitar when I was young on my own, over time I learnt how to play the basics & tried singing at the same time. We both as brothers kind of learned together and advanced over the years playing in bands with friends. I'd say our parents music influence helped us along the way into loving music ourselves and wanting to be in a band creating our own music.

Who are your inspirations or influences?
I'd say family is our inspirations, we've wrote songs about real life things that involve family. The influences range in other Scottish bands from Frightened Rabbit, Glasvegas, Twin Atlantic and much more.

What advice would you offer aspiring performers?
Just for it, give it your all and try to enjoy it. Don't get obsessed with numbers and stats and be yourself most importantly. 

How do you set yourself apart from other bands or singers?
I'm not sure what sets us apart from others, we prefer to make our own noise for The Sensitive Souls but also support other musicians like ourselves. It's a tough gig sometimes but we keep driving on and try to make it as best as we can. 

Any new gigs or albums in the future?
We perform at The Summer Sessions on July 13th at the Joker & perform in our city of Glasgow supporting Hippy at Room 2 on July 20th.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

DJ Interviews: David Thompson of Friday in California

Heres my interview with David Thompson of indie rock band Friday in California

How did you get started in music?

Friday In California started back in 2019, when Chris (Guitarist) and Shaking Duke (Vocals) started rehearsing with the aim of setting up a cover band. When Ben (Drummer) joined, we realised that our different styles made for great original music and we started writing songs of our own. We’ve all got different levels of experience and bringing all that together has been a lot of fun. 

Who are your inspirations and influences?

We’ve definitely been influenced by the musicians we grew up listening to, and that’s probably clear in our music. There are definitely hints of Guns N Roses, Black Sabbath, Dio and Led Zeppelin that have come together to help us make our sound, but we’ve also got influences among The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, David Bowie, AC/DC and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Using these influences to develop a sound that is our own has been an amazing journey and being able to put that sound onto a recording is a landmark achievement that we’re really proud of.

What advice would you give to other aspiring performers?

The best advice any aspiring performer can get is this: stop thinking about it and just do it. Don’t worry about getting it perfect and just enjoy it. You won’t become a performer by sitting in your room. You’ll do gigs where nobody shows up, or where you forget all your lyrics and totally crumble. But that’s still a better gig than the one you do in your kitchen, and it’s how you learn. Only you can make it happen!

How do you set yourself apart from other bands or singers?

We bring the one thing no other band can possibly bring - ourselves. We’re unapologetically “us”, and that comes across in our music. 

Any new gigs or albums in the future?

We’re currently promoting our first single, Pretty / Scary, and we’re gearing up to release our second single, Overlord. You can subscribe to our social media accounts and our YouTube channel to keep up to date with everything we’re doing! Any support is welcome and we always want to hear from the people who’ve enjoyed our music!

Special thanks to him or this interview & I'll be doing a review on some of their songs but you can check out their song Pretty/scary via the link below & until then I'll catch you on The Flipside! stay awesome & rock n roll!

Friday In California - Pretty / Scary (

Sunday, June 9, 2024

DJ Reviews: Electronic Dreams by Electowve


Hellp one & all its your friend DJ Dizzy here & I have yet another music review this time featuring another Electowave song Eectronic Dreams

The song,

Now this song truly does live up to the elctronic sound which Electowave clearly shows & it is a decent bop for the dance floor & it really captires the EDM vibe of things it also uses an array of synth type sounds to really emphasize it along with some added vocals. Not much to say exceot that Electowave really prove that they're masters of honing their craft when it comes to the EDM/electronica scene & they really show their flair/passion for it & their mastery has really taken them far along with their originality.

In Conclusidion.

Electronic Dreams is a good song for  night club scene or a rave depending on if you're heavliy into the electronic sound but its a good song to jm to no less & Electowave have proven that they're truly unique & original with their electronic sound so this song get a 10 from me.

You can give a listen & judge for yourself via the link below & until then I'll catch you on The Flipside!

Electowave-Electronic Dreams

Electronic Dreams (

Saturday, June 8, 2024

DJ Reviews: Deciever by Carmila

Hey there guys, DJ Dizzy here & I'm back with another music review this time round I'm reviewing a new track called Deciever by Carmila.

The Band,

Carmila is a female fronted metal band that formed back in 2017 in Sweeden & they have a sound that's different from all of the metal bands I have heard very unique They really remind me so much of the band Halestorm which is a favorite band of mine but other than that they do have a sound thats all their own courtesy of the female lead & their music really says it all.

The Song,

The song itself has a thrash type feel to it as the lead singer really shows it with her fire vocals & melodic sound at best & the video for it is very visual what with a mix of animation & live action & the use of many camera shots from different angles & perspective which really made the video come alive but other than that I though the song had some well done voicals & the maetal instrumental gave it more of a thrash feel which is a good thing.

In Conclusion

Carmila & their new song are a smash hit in my book & its one song that I highly recomend & suggest that you check out & you can also feel free to check out some of their other tracks via their Youtube channel but overall I give their new track Deciever a 10.

To view the video click on the link below & here;s hoping that you enjoy the song & until then I'll catch you on The Flipside!

Carmila Deciever video & Youtube channel

Carmilla Deceiver Official Video (

Carmilla MetalBand - YouTube

Thursday, June 6, 2024

DJ Reviews: Electtronic Dance Night by Electowave

Hey there folks, uts DJ Dizzy back with another music review featirong a new track by none other than Electowave as they have cooked up a new song that of Electronic Dance Night.

The song,

The song really captures the electronic part of it since it has it has a EDM type feel to it & it has a sound that transcends & the vocals for it spoke more about the music aspect of it which is something that I gathered from it but the tune itself had some decent  progressions though the voicals made it alittle hard to keep up with.

I'll also say that it really kept true to its theme which was to let the music take center stage & to let it move you which is what I thought it was they were aiming for bur I digress. It really was an Electronic Dance Night but other than that it;s a real bop if you're into electronica.

In Conclusion

The song itself heavily emphasizes its theme & while it ws very unique  its still a decent bop if you're into EDM or electronica while thats not really my cup of tea I give this song a 10 mainly because of how they let the music mostly did the talking for it.

You can hear the song in the link down below so until then I'll catch you on The Flipside!

Electowave- Electric Dance Night

Electronic Dance Night (

Friday, May 24, 2024

DJ Interviews: OXI Band

Here's my interview with the ban Oxi Bands who shared their musical beginnings/

How'd you get started in music?


OXÍ Banda began in November 2019, when the bass player (Mateo Corrales) and the guitar player and composer (Alejandro Vásquez Arango) decided to create a Hard Rock band with many Pop influences. The name of the band is the first three letters of the word “oxymoron”, which means contradiction and represents the personality of its members. OXÍ is a Colombian rock band.


Who are your inspirations or influences?


We are influenced by great bands from the 70s, 80s and 90s, such as Eagles, Bon Jovi, Nirvana, Guns N'Roses, Metallica, Soda Stereo, Caifanes, Heroes del Silencio, among other bands


What advice would you offer aspiring performers?


We would like to emphasize the idea of playing music for the pleasure of doing it, because art is about sharing with other human beings what we fall in love with and can generate an emotional connection with other human beings. If you like our music, that's great and if you don't, there's no problem because rock is about being honest with our feelings.


How do you set yourselves apart from other bands or singers?


Particularly, we emphasize the bass melodies, because our bassist has more experience in different musical genres, such as funk, salsa, vallenato, among others. This gives greater rhythm to our musical proposal in the field of Hard Rock.



Any new gigs or albums in the future?


We are always making some type of publication on our social networks (X, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube) regarding our concerts. In addition, 2 months ago we published our first album of 12 songs titled "Inocencia", it is available on streaming platforms such as Spotify, Tidal, Youtube Music, among others. 

You all can listen to their music thru the following links





Apple Music:í-banda/1506035126





Tuesday, May 21, 2024

DJ Interviews: Crimson Disc

 Hey there everyone its your old friend DJ Dizzy here, & I'm back with another interview this time with the band Crimson Disc, This is a dou bnd consisting of meers Wolf & Cam who sat down with me to speak on their musical beginnings.

How'd you get started in music? 

Wolf: "It was 1977, punk was conquering the world and me and my mates were hell bent on starting a punk band, so the not so famous "Störning" ("Disturbance") was formed with me on bass guitar." 

Cam: "I was a church boy and there came a need and an opportunity to do something musical, so I decided to teach myself guitar in 1990 and played in a group with my siblings. I also started as a bass player. Maybe that helps the brotherhood between us, we both have seen band stuff from the unassuming bass 'corner', whilst the main performers were doing their flashy stuff out front!"

 Who are your inspirations or influences? 

Wolf: "At first almost all of the first wave of punk, later on all sorts of artists like Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath etc."

Cam: "We both really dig the classic rock of the 70s and 80s, I'm a bit softer than my viking friend, taking in pop influences that make him throw up in his mouth :). Rock people like the Offspring, the Killers, Green Day, whilst Elton and Billy Joel also get a look in, and bands of New Romantic phase of the early 80s like Duran Duran and Depeche Mode."

What advice would you offer aspiring performers? 

Wolf: "Just. Do. It. Get some friends together and start a band. If you're not trained before, it will probably sound like crap to start with, but you will learn, and you will have fun doing it. Later on, you should really try to get a live gig - live gigs are probably one of the best aspects of music.

 Cam:  Don't be afraid to write songs and make mistakes. Hindsight is better than fear."

How do you set yourselves apart from other bands or singers? 

Wolf: "Well... I partnered up with this bloke on the other side of the globe, making it as good as impossible to play live, hehe. Seriously though, we have a very interesting partnership going."

Cam: "We try to not put limits on ourselves and just go with what feel the song needs. Composing without the other party being in the room is a different process and has it's pluses and minuses, but we were mates before the music... I think that has been important, even if we do live in different hemispheres."

 Any new gigs or albums in the future? 

Wolf: "Yeah, our 4th album will probably hit the digital outlets during 2024."

 Cam: "It certainly will."

Monday, May 13, 2024

Tell Me by King Of FullMoon

This is a music video that was done on Bandlab by this band that I'm featured in called King Of FulMoon & the song is called Unreal. hope that you all enjoy it & thanks for listening

Sunday, May 12, 2024

DJ Reviews: Lonely Heart Drive by Electowave

Hey there folks its DJ Dizzy here & I'm back with another review & this time around its Electowave with their new track Lonely Heart Drive.

The song

Now to start off this review I have to say it was a real cynth overload because this song relied heavily on the elcotronic synth sound with some undertones of EDM thrown in & well they really let the music speak for itself on this track which gave it sort of an intense sound on its end to be honest  when you think of a song about having a lonely heart I was sort of expecting to have some lyrics to the track but it is interesting to have the music say something.

The Video

The video for it mostly emphssized the concept a lonely heart there were also messges scattered around such as I miss you & I'll call you & I felt like it gave the song/vid a sort of stalker vibe, Now no dsrespect to Electowave but when you do a song thats about a lonely heart the thing to do is to have a mellow sound & meaningful lyrics  but you can be the judge for it.

Some of it didn't really match what ut was trying to speak on & it looked like something put together at random & just spun together some random locals in the process so to be honest they could've done a better job.

In Conclusion

The song & video weren't really on point with ech other & I was expecting something on the mellow side of things no disrespect to Electowave but things weren't really on point with each other & whie it was oversaturated with synth it was still a decent bop its my personal opion that this wasn't really the best track by Electowave  so its a 5 out of 10. 

You can check out the video vua the link below & until then I'll catch you on The Flipside! Stay frosty & rock n roll.

Electowave-Lonely Heart Drive

(1) LONLEY HEART DRIVE - electwave 💖 (Official Music Viedo) - YouTube

Saturday, May 11, 2024

DJ Interviews:Izamanya

Here's my interview with Switzerland based singing dou  Izamanya who shared their musical origins 

DIZZY How'd you get started in music? 

IZAMANYA Over the years we have participated in or produced various bands and projects. We sold a lot of records back then and also gained touring experience. Our career started in switzerland years ago and in between we also played in wacken and a lot of great festivals all over Europe. With all these experiences we did a restart with the IZAMANYA project in 2016. 

DIZZY Who are your inspirations or influences? 

IZA: In terms of singing, I was fortunate to have a very talented vocal coach at the very beginning of my musical career Unfortunately, he died much too early, and I have not been able to really open up to any person/coach since then. I’m discovering and creating my own style and technique. 

MANY I started playing guitar @age 13 – then joined my first rock band at 17. Since then, I have had some guitar teachers in different music styles “on and off”. Most of the time I was learning by doing. Generally, I practice/play the guitar between 3-6 hours every day– and it still feels like there are no limits and definitely no ends to my process. 

DIZZY What advice would you offer aspiring performers? 

IZAMANYA There are always ups and downs – we think the most important and difficult is to maintain a long-term vision, to have endurance and stay focused on our goals! You can't take it for granted to always have the chance to work as a team on songs and sounds – remaining independent, openminded – and flexible - do your daily instrumental exercises and and ...of course a lot of fun!! 

DIZZY How do you set yourselves apart from other bands or singers? 

IZAMANYA The Izamanya sound results from a union of our personalities - instruments and voice. It's important not to chase any trends and to remain authentic. With so many different terms and subcategories in metal, we actually have no idea where we are classified? In any case, we are proud to have achieved an “Izamanya” sound. Music is on the one hand a vocation, a feeling, a state of mind in which I like to be, for me an eternal search for personal development.... I would say a life task. In addition, you can say and express so much through music...also provoke or give any case we carry responsibility with our music. We certainly allow the current world events or moods to flow into our sound, because it influences us heavily. If the Izamanya – rock can do something to improve the world – then we've achieved more than expected. 

DIZZY Any new gigs or albums in the future? 

IZAMANYA We have been busy writing songs over the last few months and now have a big bag full of “preproduction” with which we are recording the full wadding in the studio. Gradually release 4 CD's in 2024 / 2025 and a complete vinyl longplayer. At the same time we will continue to promote our riffs acoustic / guitar & vocals and then start an Izamanya Bang your Head tour with the full band in Switzerland. Of course we hope that it will also go abroad. We will see - and are excited to see what the future has in store.

Friday, May 10, 2024

DJ Interviews: Frank Schmitz

 Here's my interview with Frank Schmitz at musik

How'd you get started in music?

I've always been interested in music and enjoyed singing along to my favorite songs, but it wasn't until 2016 that I had the time to buy a guitar and learn how to play. And I was already good at writing lyrics as a schoolboy. So I came up with more and more lyrics. In 2021, the time had finally come for me to release my first song.

Who are your inspirations or influences?

I'm not the youngest anymore, so of course I grew up with all the well-known groups and solo artists that everyone knows. It's important to me that songs are melodic and rhythmic, but I also love ballads. For example, I like some songs by the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bee Gees, Hollies, Elton John, Leonhard Cohen, Eric Clapton, Barry Manilow, Bruce Springsteen, John Legend, Pink, Ed Sheeran, Michael Bublé, Lady Gaga and other younger groups and artists. And they have certainly inspired me in some way. It's difficult to pinpoint a specific group or artist. 

What advice would you offer aspiring performers?

As I said, I'm no longer the youngest, but I'm relatively young in the music industry. As a result, I naturally don't have as much experience from which aspiring artists can benefit. But because of my life experience and the personal development that I have actively undergone, I think it's important not to let family or friends dissuade you from your path. Of course, the first songs are not perfect and later on you will realize that there is still a lot of room for improvement. So go your own way, don't let yourself be put off and, above all, persevere. You don't win fans overnight.

How do you set yourself apart from other bands or singers?

It is very important to me to inspire people with my music and my lyrics, to give them food for thought, to give them courage, to cheer them up, to give them joy and also to show them that there is always a way out of difficult situations. Through my life experience, my personal development and the many books I have read, I want to give other people something that will make their lives more beautiful, more colorful and easier. I am also convinced that music can connect people with each other and thus the whole world.

Any new gigs or albums in the future?

I've only released one album so far and that was in German. With this album I am supporting a hospice that took wonderful care of my dying mother at the time. I plan to release an album with my English songs at some point. But I haven't yet come up with a suitable social idea that I could sponsor.

On 24th May 2024 I'm releasing a great new song that was written in collaboration with a Canadian musician and an English producer. It's about wolves. You will be surprised. We've managed to combine a serious topic with fast-paced and danceable music. And on July 19th, 2024, I'm releasing another song with the same people involved, which is about something very fast and sporty. Let me surprise you

Thursday, May 9, 2024

DJ Interviews: Divarella

 Here's my interview with singer, Divarella who sat down with me to speak on her musical  beginnings

Here are the questions

How'd you get started in music?
I started at a very young age. I remember checking my nursery English textbook for rhymes that I could turn into a song, it was more of a hobby for me then. I even wrote a song in the middle of an exam in secondary school. It happens whenever I zone out of my immediate environment(whatever the trigger is) and I find myself in this space right inside my mind, it's beautiful and therapeutic.

Who are your inspirations or influences?
Growing up I had none, everyone in my family had different tastes in music, nothing peculiar but along the way, I became drawn to pop music and also interested in sounds like Avril Lavigne, Sia, Taylor Swift and Little Mix. These stars shaped my life- teenage years up till present.

What advice would you offer aspiring performers?
Well as an aspiring artist myself, it's not been easy but I'd say that consistency is really needed in this field. Remember why you're into it in the first place and remind yourself of it, at all times. Tread at your own pace and don't compare yourself to other artists, you're different and let people see why you are.

How do you set yourself apart from other bands or singers?
Presently, I'd say everyone has similar sounds but then it's okay. Major difference would be the aesthetic, your aura as an artist. I mostly write songs about my personal life experiences which usually have a sad yet calm vibe to it, although I try to switch up once in a while, so nothing is off limits. My music is my diary which I want to share with anyone who's interested enough to listen. 

Any new gigs or albums in the future?
I have two singles (titled Roses Are Red and Your Heart) coming out this Friday (May 10) and I'm so excited!  I can't wait to share it with everyone. I'm also working on my releasing my first EP album by late June or early July. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

DJ Interviews: Ghanima Galach

Here's my interview with singer   Ghanima Galach 

How'd you get started in music?

I grew up in an artistic environment (my parents are both musicians) where classical music was prevalent, but I developed a strong passion for rock and heavy metal, so I started to learn electric guitar. Later on, I attended music school at my hometown's main university and eventually joined several rock and metal bands. 
2020 lockdown came, and that's when I decided to go on solo, founding a project based on synths, to explore atmospheric and experimental music. I also have a solo black metal project. 

Who are your inspirations or influences? 

From classic rock acts such as Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, UFO, Scorpions, and NWOBHM bands to heavier stuff, including several black metal, doom, death, and heavy metal bands,. 
I also share a great love for artists like Vangelis, Jean-Michel Jarre, Alphaville, Kraftwerk, and others.

What advice would you offer aspiring performers?

If you are not passionate about it, better find another gig. When you do it for the money, you will soon be disappointed. Try to learn something new every day and show respect for your craft. 

How do you set yourself apart from other bands or singers?

I really never thought about that. I'd say that the wide variety of influences and styles that are displayed in my musical projects set them apart from the rest.

Any new gigs or albums in the future?

Regarding my black metal project (Khlyst), a new album is in the making and is expected to be released in October. 
Ghanima Galach, which is my atmospheric/synth/dark ambient act, is now on hold just to let me focus on the production of the aforementioned project.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

DJ Interviews: Bottlecap Mountain


Here's my interview with Bottlecap Mountain who sat down with me to discuss their musical beginngs.

How'd you get started in music?

My dad’s a drummer, played professionally my whole life, I was always around it. I started with drums and I always sang. Started learning the guitar around 14, played in some high school bands, started playing professionally after high school around Austin. Met and played in a band with Ray (drums) and Doug (guitar, backing vocals) called The Spoiled for a few years. Started Bottlecap Mountain after making what started out as a solo record in 2013. Been great friends with Chris (bass) for years and I met Yvonne (keys, backing vocals) around 2014. 

Who are your inspirations or influences?

Lots of those but to name a few:
The Beatles of course, Elvis Costello, Tom Petty, Springsteen, Prince, Stevie Wonder, Hendrix, The Who, The Kinks, R.E.M., PJ Harvey, The Stones, The Velvet Underground, Bob Dylan, Talking Heads…

What advice would you offer aspiring performers?

Get out there and do it, cut your teeth. Be true to yourself, be honest. Aspire to be great, not for fame or fortune but for the craft, for the cause so to speak. Don’t settle for mediocrity. At the end of the day, are you happy with what you’re putting out into the world?

How do you set yourself apart from other bands or singers?

I mean, everyone wants to set themselves apart right? Again, I think being true to yourself, being honest, having a point of view. We try to treat everything we do as if it’s the best thing we’ve ever done, all killer, no filler! Of course it doesn’t always work out that way but just because you don’t think it’s great doesn’t mean that someone else won’t. Respect your audience and respect yourself. Give it your all and that automatically sets you apart. 

Any new gigs or albums in the future?

Our 7th studio album “Electric Love Spree” comes out on June 4, we’re super excited about it! 

And yeah, we play regularly around Austin so if you’re in the area chances are you’ll have a chance to see us. We might do a little tour this year too but still in the planning stages. You can keep up to date with us by following us on the socials and checking out our website:

Special thanks to them for this interview & you can learn more about them via the links below so until then I'll catch you on The Flipside! Stay frosty & rock n roll