Sunday, September 1, 2024

DJ Interviews: The Boomtown Renegades

Here's my interview with a band straight out of North Dakota, They call themselves the Boomtown Renegades who shared their humble & musical beginnings with me.

How'd you get started in music?

Good Question. Started in school doing musicals. Ended up in a band doing cover versions mainly of 80’s rock songs. Got fed up of singing other peoples songs and decided to write my own stuff, got a band together with my friends and here we are. 
Who are your inspirations or influences?
inspiration, if somebody heard our music and it made their day better, reaching people with music is just a fantastic thing to do. We would love to play a festival lol.  Influences. For myself love the 80’s sound. Big Queen and AC/DC fan. Couple of the band are big country fans. We like all types of music.  I recently discovered Black Veil Brides and just love their sound. Even though they have been around for a while it’s never too late to discover music. 
What advice would you offer aspiring performers?

Never give up. Creation is from the soul, as long as you reach just one person you are a success. 

How do you set yourself apart from other bands or singers?

I think for us it’s our eclectic mix of songs. We have hard rock, country rock and piano Ballards. We have a sound for all types of listeners. 

How would you say that music has inspired/made an impression on you?

For myself music is the gift that keeps giving. I love discovering new bands. In your darkest hour music can lift you up out of it. 

Any new gigs or albums in the future?

Hopefully we will have some gigs on October here in North Dakota. We just released Walking the Crooked Road so no new album for a bit. We are always writing new songs. 

Special thanks to them for doing this interview & to check out their music feel free to visit their Youtube channel & their X page to find out more about them so until then I'll catch you on The Flipside! Stay frosty & rock n roll!

The Boomtown Renegades

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