Thursday, September 5, 2024

DJ Interviews: Silenced Echoes

Hey there folks, DJ Dizzy here & here;s my interview with the band Silenced Echoes who shared their humble musical origins.

How'd you get started in music?
From a young age I have always absolutely loved music. I remember early days, watching the likes of Queen on TV and being memorized. Much of my teenage years was spent searching through bands, feeding off of music. I grew up in the 90's so was spoiled with many great bands such as Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Stereophonics, Foo Fighters, Bush (I could list so many more). At that age, what really hooked me was the guitar and for years I wanted to get one and learn to play. Guitarists like Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Richie Sambora made the guitar the coolest thing ever. The way they played, the emotion they could achieve and how they made these lumps of wood with strings sing, it blew my mind! So at about the age of 16 I saved up for my first guitar and proceeded to reach myself to play. Other than a short stint in a college band, I didn't actually play to perform for years and years, life just kinda got in the way. But music never stopped being my passion. I am either playing, singing or listening to music literally all the time! Finally In 2020 I embarked on my first solo album and since then I've played gigs, released an EP and a handful of singles have much more planned for the future.

Who are your inspirations or influences?
From a guitar point of view, Eric Clapton was my single biggest inspiration. Vocally and from a pure song writing point of view it would be Chris Cornell. Cornell was a whole other level to anyone else. That man painted pictures with words! I draw influence from a lot of different bands, the whole grunge scene is at the heart of my taste but I explore music, I listen across multiple genres, Grunge, rock, indie, classical, metal. I look for songs that inspire meaning, that connects people, that are real.

What advice would you offer aspiring performers?
Believe in yourself, stay true to your natural sound and don't let anything hold you back. You can't half ass it and things won't happen on their own. And don't compare yourself to others, what is uniquely you is what makes you great.

How do you set yourself apart from other bands or singers?
When it comes to my music, I just focus on my sound and don't worry about what anyone else is doing. In a sense, I'm not concerned with setting myself apart, I think that comes naturally and ultimately is for everyone else to decide. I just want to write music from the soul, and have fun doing it.

How would you say that music has inspired/made an impression on you?
Music is life. No matter what mood I'm in, where I am, what I am doing, there's a soundtrack to accompany it. Every memory, every moment, every feeling can be accentuated with a song.

Any new gigs or albums in the future?
2024 has been about getting a full band line up sorted and up to speed. We've played a hand full of gigs and plan to busy the calendar up for 2025. We are also in the process of writing a new album which we aim to have released this side of Christmas.

Special thanks to them for this interview & if you'd like to learn more about them & their music you can visit them on on Twiitter & their Youtube channel so until then I'll catch you on The Flipside! Stay frosty & rock n roll!

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