Thursday, January 11, 2024

DJ Interviews: Sig & The Fire Pilots

 Hey there folks The DJ here & here's my interview with Sig of Sig & The Fire Pilots who shared his musical origins,

My mom bought me a drum kit when i was 13 , (Bless Her) Even if it was to annoy my Dad ..But i knew i always wanted to play and be involved ever since junior school . I had a bad motorcycle crash when i was 19  (nearly lost my left leg) . While convalescing a friend lent me an acoustic guitar and a Beatles book and the rest is history . 

Well , I would have to say the Beatles . But all of it really .To name a few that stood taller than the rest -  Lennon - Marley - Lynott - Mercury .

Practice practice practice - Know in your heart its what you want to do - And Practice practice practice - Also , Take fewer puffs and always leave a long stub .. Lol

I believe that if you have a voice ,use it . There aint no room for slackers in a band (Put the work in - Get results out) -  All Three of us sing , and do it pretty well, i like to think ..

Hoping to get back into the studio soon to record some new material . We have a couple of video's to shoot for tracks that we already have in the can . 
As for gigs , we have a couple of good festivals booked this year - Mos borough , on the same bill as The Enemy - And Northants Rocks , 3rd on the bill on the Sunday Evening . 
We are currently Number 8 on The World Independent chart & Number 10 on The Euro Independent Chart with our first single - Click Bait @sigandthefirepilots 

Special thanks to him for doing this interview & I wish him nothing but luck in his music & be sure to check out their single which I'll be posting below, Until then I'll catch you on The Flipside. Stay frosty & rrock n roll!

Sig & The Fire Pilots=Click Bait