Wednesday, July 24, 2024

DJ Reviews: Misfit by Souljunkie

Hey there folks its your old friend DJ Dizzy here & I've got a whole new review of a song by Souljunkie called 'Misfit'

The Artist:

Souljunkie is an artist who's also an aspiring song writter & he proves that he has alot of potential as both a songwriter & a musician in which he shows in his music especially in this one song in particular in which I'll be reviewing so buckle up because it's going to be a really wild ride.

The song:

The song has a sort of surf/alt rock vibe in the instrumental & it also shows in some of the guiatar solos, The vocals also have a distinctive sound to them as in mellowed out & laid back ehich really gives the song a good feel matter of fact everything but overall the song has sort of laid back chill surf alt rock type vibe to it which proves to be really enjoyable.

The song tells about innocent youth & growing up & how we all manage to make a connection with someone & their mistakes so much so that they're deemed a misfit which is what I gathered from the song & how using your mistakes to shape you into a better or a decent person & I think we're all considered a misfit to someone in some cases which is something that's deeply relatable.

In conclusion:

This song has a really interesting message to it about how we all can let our mistakes shape us & also how we can come across to folks but the overall surf rock vibe of the song really caught my ear & I found it enjoyable & I'm sure some of you will too. I give this song a 10/

To find out more bout Souljunkie you can check out his Youtube channel & listen to the song via the links below & until then I'll catch you on The Flipside. Stay frosty & rock n roll!

Souljunkie - YouTube

Misfit (

Thursday, July 18, 2024

DJ Interviews: GKat of Weapons of Self Destruction

 Here's my interview with GKat of the band Weapons Of D Self estruction

How'd you get started in music?


I started playing around 10 or so.  Guitar lessons, then garage bands, and just playing with friends.  Took some long absences from playing but always came back to it.  Really got the passion back a few years ago (covid lockdowns) and started recording some riffs I made throughout the years.  And I dove into that rabbit hole hard and haven’t looked back.  It’s so much fun and always something new to learn.


Who are your inspirations or influences?


So many, I’ll give it a shot.  Pete Townshend, Angus Young, Peter Buck, Paul Westerberg, Ace Frehley, Trent Reznor, Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, and I know there’s more but those are the ones who jump out.


What advice would you offer aspiring performers?


Write, write, write, and write.  Leave some blood on the page.  Write then edit.  There’s always time for edits but get what jumps out of you down first. 

Learn marketing.  There’s nothing worse than pouring your heart into a song and looking on Spotify for Artists and see “0 people listening”.  Plan your releases with marketing in mind.

Then have patience.  And your friends and family won’t care about your stuff like you’d think and hope they would.  It’s just reality.  Have patience and don’t quit. 


How do you set yourself apart from other bands or singers?


Never really thought about it.  I guess I’d say I just write in the moment, whatever is bugging me or something I’m passionate about goes down on paper.  I don’t really think about, “what will they say about this line or that line”.  It’s really a form of therapy for me.


Any new gigs or albums in the future?


No gigs, sadly, but I’ve got one song almost ready to go to mixing/mastering, “All the Rage” and 3-4 others to follow soon after.  Will start releasing the songs individually early August. 

Special thanks to him for this interview & to learn more about GKat & his band  visit their Youtube page via the link below.  until then I'll catch you on The Flipside! Stay awesome & rock n roll

weapons of self destruction - YouTube

Friday, July 12, 2024

DJ Reviews: Pretty/Scary by Fridays In California

Hey there one & all its your old friend DJ Dizzy here & I had the pleasure of reviewing the song Pretty/Scary by the band Fridays In Califronia 

The Band,

Fridays In California are an indie rock band who are based in California who formed back in 2019 & their different musical styles blend together after they realized their chemeistry together & they show that in their latest song Pretty/Scary in which I'll be reviewing right now.

The Song,

This song shows it has a garage rock kind of sound to it in addition to some grunge & hard rock undertones mixed in & the lead singer's vocals really coincide well along wit the other musicians involved & I could really sense the chemistry between them in their plsying. 

The song tells an interesting story of how the lead singer's girl can be seen a little but scary because of her ways or whatever mood she might be in depending on how you see it it still tells an interesting story from the lead singer's POV & the musicians really compliment each other in their playing the way everything came together really brought the story to life in a really quirky way which is something that I think you'll enjoy listening to as much as I did.

In conclusion,

Fridays In California has awesome chemistry not just as a band but as musician altogether & the song /vocals really show it & the song itself was on an enjoyable level so for both their chemistry & quirliness I give them a 10. You can find more of their music via their Youtube link below & you can listen to their song 'Pretty/Scary' via the link below & until then I'll catch you on The Flipside! Stay awesome & rock n roll!

Friday In California - Pretty / Scary - YouTube

Friday In California - Pretty / Scary (

Thursday, July 11, 2024

DJ Interviews Sensitive Souls

 Here's my interview with rock band Sensitive Souls

How'd you get started in music?
Started playing guitar when I was young on my own, over time I learnt how to play the basics & tried singing at the same time. We both as brothers kind of learned together and advanced over the years playing in bands with friends. I'd say our parents music influence helped us along the way into loving music ourselves and wanting to be in a band creating our own music.

Who are your inspirations or influences?
I'd say family is our inspirations, we've wrote songs about real life things that involve family. The influences range in other Scottish bands from Frightened Rabbit, Glasvegas, Twin Atlantic and much more.

What advice would you offer aspiring performers?
Just for it, give it your all and try to enjoy it. Don't get obsessed with numbers and stats and be yourself most importantly. 

How do you set yourself apart from other bands or singers?
I'm not sure what sets us apart from others, we prefer to make our own noise for The Sensitive Souls but also support other musicians like ourselves. It's a tough gig sometimes but we keep driving on and try to make it as best as we can. 

Any new gigs or albums in the future?
We perform at The Summer Sessions on July 13th at the Joker & perform in our city of Glasgow supporting Hippy at Room 2 on July 20th.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

DJ Interviews: David Thompson of Friday in California

Heres my interview with David Thompson of indie rock band Friday in California

How did you get started in music?

Friday In California started back in 2019, when Chris (Guitarist) and Shaking Duke (Vocals) started rehearsing with the aim of setting up a cover band. When Ben (Drummer) joined, we realised that our different styles made for great original music and we started writing songs of our own. We’ve all got different levels of experience and bringing all that together has been a lot of fun. 

Who are your inspirations and influences?

We’ve definitely been influenced by the musicians we grew up listening to, and that’s probably clear in our music. There are definitely hints of Guns N Roses, Black Sabbath, Dio and Led Zeppelin that have come together to help us make our sound, but we’ve also got influences among The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, David Bowie, AC/DC and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Using these influences to develop a sound that is our own has been an amazing journey and being able to put that sound onto a recording is a landmark achievement that we’re really proud of.

What advice would you give to other aspiring performers?

The best advice any aspiring performer can get is this: stop thinking about it and just do it. Don’t worry about getting it perfect and just enjoy it. You won’t become a performer by sitting in your room. You’ll do gigs where nobody shows up, or where you forget all your lyrics and totally crumble. But that’s still a better gig than the one you do in your kitchen, and it’s how you learn. Only you can make it happen!

How do you set yourself apart from other bands or singers?

We bring the one thing no other band can possibly bring - ourselves. We’re unapologetically “us”, and that comes across in our music. 

Any new gigs or albums in the future?

We’re currently promoting our first single, Pretty / Scary, and we’re gearing up to release our second single, Overlord. You can subscribe to our social media accounts and our YouTube channel to keep up to date with everything we’re doing! Any support is welcome and we always want to hear from the people who’ve enjoyed our music!

Special thanks to him or this interview & I'll be doing a review on some of their songs but you can check out their song Pretty/scary via the link below & until then I'll catch you on The Flipside! stay awesome & rock n roll!

Friday In California - Pretty / Scary (