Friday, October 21, 2022

DJ Interviews: Industrial

 Here's my interview with band, Industrial

How'd you get started in music?


I’ve always been involved in music in one way or another. As a kid I was classically trained and since then I moved on through a range of different mischievous musical correlations.


Who are your inspirations or influences?


For this particular project, I’d probably have to say it’s a bit of a strange mix which I think only a few people have picked up on in the past. Bowie is probably the biggest influence alongside Brian Eno, and then you’ve got a bit of Nine Inch Nails and Nils Frahm as well as such impressionistic composers as Claude Debussy, and Eric Satie.


What advice would you offer aspiring performers?


First and foremost, get out there and enjoy it and second, as Public Enemy once said, “don’t believe the hype” – stay true to yourselves and believe in the music that you are creating.


How do you set yourself apart from other bands or singers?


That’s a tough one as I don’t or at least I don’t try to. I do think I approach writing though differently as I tend to focus more on the vertical colour rather than the horizontal development – that’s a bit of a long story though that one.


Any new gigs or albums in the future?


Yeah, I got a few things lined up which need some finishing touches and pulling together. I’ve also got some other side projects on the go which I try and keep completely separate to this one. 

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