Hellp one & all its your friend DJ Dizzy here & I have yet another music review this time featuring another Electowave song Eectronic Dreams
The song,
Now this song truly does live up to the elctronic sound which Electowave clearly shows & it is a decent bop for the dance floor & it really captires the EDM vibe of things it also uses an array of synth type sounds to really emphasize it along with some added vocals. Not much to say exceot that Electowave really prove that they're masters of honing their craft when it comes to the EDM/electronica scene & they really show their flair/passion for it & their mastery has really taken them far along with their originality.
In Conclusidion.
Electronic Dreams is a good song for night club scene or a rave depending on if you're heavliy into the electronic sound but its a good song to jm to no less & Electowave have proven that they're truly unique & original with their electronic sound so this song get a 10 from me.
You can give a listen & judge for yourself via the link below & until then I'll catch you on The Flipside!
Electowave-Electronic Dreams
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