Sunday, June 5, 2016

Music theory Part 1: Notes, Sharps, Flats, & Time signatures.

These are notes regarding music theory as such as notes & beats & how they work.

Music Theory Notes & beats


Notes which are labeled A through G start out the melody or tune of a song. The G cleft or treble notes are used for the high stave & change in higher octaves going forward.

While the F cleft or bass notes are used for the lower part of the stave which change lower octaves going backwards.

Sharps & Flats:

Sharps & flats are used to change the octave of whatever note you’re playing in a song be it major or minor melody. You can use acronyms to determine which notes to play such as:

BEAD, A Car Eats Gas, Every Girl Buys Designer Fashion, & Every Guy Doesn’t Fight Amazons.

Major Notes:

Major notes are played either all naturally melodic but sometimes with sharps & flats depending on which note you’re playing you raise it with a half step but normally major notes are played with a whole step a good example of major notes are C, E flat, & B major notes.

Minor notes:

With melodic minor notes the notes rarely ever change with a whole step but with a half step they use sharps or flats. Which are the black keys on a piano or keyboard. A perfect example of a natural melodic minor are the D & A notes.


Rests indicate a pause in the song or composition usually they can come in front or behind the note of whatever song you’re playing.

Dotted notes:

Dotted notes indicate that the note should be played for a short time when in a song. A perfect example of that is when they’re played they’re called staccato notes.

While notes without them are called legato which are played long & smoothly.

Quavers, Crotchets, & Beats.

When you right a piece of music it really doesn’t matter what beat you use when you compose a piece of music be it 4-4 or2-2.

The beats also depend on whether or not they use crotchet or quaver beats. Quaver beats are in groups of 2 while sometimes they’re in groups of 3s or 8s.

Time signatures:

Time signatures indicate the beat as well of the pulse of the melody in the song you’re playing which is done through pulses.

Some of these pulses are done through time signatures such as duple, triple or quadruple. Duple which is a 2-8 beat, triples are 3-8 beats, & quadruples are 4-8 beats.

It’s also composed of three standards such as simple which are 2 inner beats & compound which are 3 inner beats. While the time signature splits it into 4 beats,

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