Thursday, July 18, 2024

DJ Interviews: GKat of Weapons of Self Destruction

 Here's my interview with GKat of the band Weapons Of D Self estruction

How'd you get started in music?


I started playing around 10 or so.  Guitar lessons, then garage bands, and just playing with friends.  Took some long absences from playing but always came back to it.  Really got the passion back a few years ago (covid lockdowns) and started recording some riffs I made throughout the years.  And I dove into that rabbit hole hard and haven’t looked back.  It’s so much fun and always something new to learn.


Who are your inspirations or influences?


So many, I’ll give it a shot.  Pete Townshend, Angus Young, Peter Buck, Paul Westerberg, Ace Frehley, Trent Reznor, Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, and I know there’s more but those are the ones who jump out.


What advice would you offer aspiring performers?


Write, write, write, and write.  Leave some blood on the page.  Write then edit.  There’s always time for edits but get what jumps out of you down first. 

Learn marketing.  There’s nothing worse than pouring your heart into a song and looking on Spotify for Artists and see “0 people listening”.  Plan your releases with marketing in mind.

Then have patience.  And your friends and family won’t care about your stuff like you’d think and hope they would.  It’s just reality.  Have patience and don’t quit. 


How do you set yourself apart from other bands or singers?


Never really thought about it.  I guess I’d say I just write in the moment, whatever is bugging me or something I’m passionate about goes down on paper.  I don’t really think about, “what will they say about this line or that line”.  It’s really a form of therapy for me.


Any new gigs or albums in the future?


No gigs, sadly, but I’ve got one song almost ready to go to mixing/mastering, “All the Rage” and 3-4 others to follow soon after.  Will start releasing the songs individually early August. 

Special thanks to him for this interview & to learn more about GKat & his band  visit their Youtube page via the link below.  until then I'll catch you on The Flipside! Stay awesome & rock n roll

weapons of self destruction - YouTube

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